Dec 29, 2013

Im better then you in all ways possible

I fucking hate ponies I'd rather drink the salt water stored up in some fat hairy bitchs mole coverd pussy after did a vagina cannonball 400 ft into the ocean and drown my wife and newborn baby in it then have it be a pony icon fucking faggotshit.

It doesn't matter anyway hope you have a happy fucking new year. This year I'll leave you with a quote from the greatest person who ever lived.

"I understand more then you can possibly know"

-A wizard who's powers are unmatched even by the most cunning of sorcerers named ultimate grand master cheif commander general overlord pylon supply depot supreme super incredible lvl99 high five teizhcial

Dec 8, 2013

How many times do i need to say yes to get you to leave?

What's the deal with the internet these days all these kids orgasmaning over tablets and shit. Who the fuck doesn't use a keyboard? What the fuck is a Xbox one why did it go from 360 to ONE Jesus christ i hope they all get the seizures. I am the inquisitor I am here to inquire and cause pain now lay down and die.

Dec 1, 2013


I had to reset my phone so add me this way crazycracker you SOB

best way to contact me is Skype or kik
Skype name: teizhcial
New kik name: trauma375

Oct 29, 2013


Updated the blog a little with a new look to compensate my favorite holiday also added some shit to the sidebars. You know you wanted it and I delivered. The damn spammers have flooded the comments with useless crap about antiques and panis enlargement so if your into ads and abtuques and panis enlargement then hot dog its your lucky day, but otherwise I try to find a read all the comments I can.

 Add me...
 Kik: CrescentHope
League of Legends: Dhamyst
Dark Galaxy: Traumatize
Skype: Teizhcial
Twitter: Teizhcial

Sep 13, 2013

Major Update for 2014

I'm planning a site overhaul for late in the year I want to redeisgn the site to make it more appealing. Did you know your probably going to die someday that sucks don't it so maybe you should do something productive to leave an impact cause your going to be a big pile of nothing in the future but I am amazing and will live forever threw the words of my endeavors and scriptures of animosity and my inferring mind of tranquility. I also hope to start streaming some pretty cool shit next year. I've also been saving up some cool new shit I've been working on. I told u man I told u I wus postan moar

Aug 30, 2013

KIK me

You can now kik me whenever you want add me -user name crescenthope there will be shitty posts like this until I can afford a new pc

Aug 23, 2013

sup friggits

There's some things that have been keeping me busy what's up and how are the filopseons jenny iis fine got a new smart phone today its not smart then me more frequency less coherence