Aug 29, 2007

New Site Name

I was tired of the old Opium T3st 2. So the site has a new name. The Url will remain the same. It is still I will also be making modifactions to the forum.

Soon the new Url will be

Aug 27, 2007

Club Penguin Trainer

Took me awhile but I finished my club penguin trainer. Please note that this is my first one I will make another with more hacks but if you don't like it sorry I gave it a good try. Anyways it has a Coin Hack a Safe Mode hack and to prevent being banned a Name Hack and a option to change your player ID. REMEMBER this is my first Version. You can expect a better version with more features later.

Download Club Penguin Trainer V1.0

Aug 25, 2007

Downloading Visual Basic 6.0

Ive gotten alot of people asking me where they can get there hands on VB6. The place to get it is the Opium T3st 2 Forums. There we have a large amount of different download collections and many other things such as exclusive trainers Hacks packs programs and all sorts of other stuff. Thats why Ive decided to give you a sample of the forums by releasing spam bot 5.0 Version 6.0 is already available on the forums. So thats why you should register today and start posting to see all of the cool stuff on the forums. I haven't been working on any projects lately but will be making more trainer soon.

Click here to go to the Opium T3st 2 forums
(you need to register to see them)

About Spam-Bot 5.0:
-New Extra Feartures
-Cd Tray opener
-Html Info
-Fixed you haft to press stop when it opens

Download Spam-Bot 5.0

Aug 20, 2007

Dragon Fable Trainer

I decided I would go ahead and release my dragon fable trainer. It hacks quite a few hacks including all stat hacks a health and mana hack a gold coin and level hacks a dragon amulet hack and a 999999 damage hack. Note for the 999999 damage hack you must click it every time before you attack and some people complain that the hacks do not work but they do there just too stupid to know how to use them. Now I will make my attempt at making a trainer for club penguin. And also much thanks to martin for help with some VB code and the DF Trainer.

Download Dragon Fable Trainer

Download Dragon Fable Trainer (Mirror)

Also heres a Video of it =]

Aug 19, 2007

2 Trainers & Taking Requests

I just made these trainers really quick. If you want more trainers and other cool stuff you should check out They are for shock defense and metal slug stick. Ive been having a hard time find games to make trainers for so if you want a trainer for a game LEAVE A COMMENT and a link to the game it must be flash as well. And don't ask for a dragon fable trainer I'm working on it and will have it out soon.

Download Shock Defense Trainer

Download Metal Slug Stick Trainer

Aug 16, 2007

Adventure Quest Trainer 2.0

Got a few complaints about the trainer about some of the hacks and about not being able to see whats on the buttons. This is because of the font but know it is back to the original. Also in the 2.0 I added some new hacks. The new hacks are a Z-Token hack a hack that changes your level to 99 and a stats hack which allows you to change them to whatever you wish. Ive also fixed the health and mana hacks. I will most likely make one more AQ Trainer but the last one will have many hacks I hope. I may make a dragon fable trainer soon and I have a few trainers for other games that Ill release later.

Download AQ Trainer 2.0

Aug 14, 2007

Adventure Quest Trainer (Fully Working!)

Ive finished the adventure quest trainer and everything works! Also Ive built up from the beta and added a couple new hacks. Not only is it working but it has two health hacks two mana hacks an X-Guardian hack a make your monsters hp 0 hack an exp hack and a gold hack. If it does not load properly then the problem is you not the trainer because everything loads correctly.

Edit:There was a Bug so if you where one of the 5 or 6 people who downloaded first download again.

Download AQ Trainer

Aug 10, 2007

SA Trainer Masters Version 2

Ive finally finished Sa Masters Version 2 and i can proudly say it is the BEST SA TRAINER EVER. Also before I tell you this I want to tell you the truth. There was never a key logger in Sa Trainer V3 made by jake. Well now masters V2 comes with some new hacks and new features which Ive made into a list.

Custom Text colors
Organized hack Selection
Full Screen
New Massage Lag
New Super lag
F7 & F8 Lobby spammer
Old Reload Hack
Old Ghost Hack
Guaranteed No Bugs/Problems
Less Lag
Missing Files Included

All that and much more with 40+ hacks. I Could even call it Sa Trainer V4 if I wanted. When you use this you have an advantage over all other trainers. And that advantage is having the best. You can enjoy this until Ballistick comes out sometime in November.

Click Here To See a Picture of Sa Trainer Masters V2

Edit: I noticed after a about an hour i messed something up but i fixed and and there is a new download

Download SA Masters V2

Aug 6, 2007

Noidzor Trainer

Haven't posted in awhile I've been busy with the Opium T3st 2 Forums. We now have over 80 members with tons of exclusive trainers hack packs and programs and tons of tuts on how to make trainers hack websites etc... But you haft to make posts to see the exclusives section with exclusive trainers and programs like spam-bot 5.0 and unreleased Sa Trainers. But anyways heres a trainer for a fun game called noidzor. I could have added more hacks but I made it quick. Enjoy and remember to join the forums and start posting.

Download Noidzor Trainer

Download Noidzor Trainer